Use personal access tokens as a safe alternative to authenticating with username and password.
Personal access tokens are as important as passwords and should be equally protected.

Supported APIs : Catalog Provider API and Download API


Permission level of personal access tokens is set to the level of access you currently have.

Manage your tokens

Create a token

  1. Login with the desired account
  2. Open My account
  3. Under Security click Manage access tokens
  4. Click Create a token at the top right
  5. Give the token a name and choose its expiry policy
  6. Click create
  7. Copy the token value, as it will never be shown again
  8. Store the token string in a safe place, and click close

Revoke a token

  1. Login with the desired account
  2. Open My account
  3. Under Security click Manage access tokens
  4. Click the Revoke button on the desired token, and confirm

Use a Personal Access Token

Programmatically, in HTTP header

APIs use the Bearer scheme authentication, every HTTP request must include the token in Authorization header :
Example :
Authorization: Bearer ZMZJViYLfRqKh9y5FjTE32uRg5S4Xqr5oBVuC8EQaNiPpyC3VgQr1NbccWMbY8xG

With FME, in a "Web Connection"

FME is a geospatial ETL software developed and maintained by Safe Software. To ease the use of these tokens in FME, you can configure them in a "Web Connection" that can be reused, updated in a single place, shared, or uploaded to FME Flow (formerly Server).

1 : Import Viageo Web Service in FME

  1. Download the Viageo service descriptor file here : viageo_web_connection_for_fme.xml
  2. In FME, open : Tools > FME options... > Web Connections
  3. Click Manage Services...
  4. Click + at the bottom left (Add Web Service) and choose Import From File...
  5. Select the downloaded viageo_web_connection_for_fme.xml file, and click OK
  6. You can close the modal and are now ready to add a Web Connection

2 : Add a Web Connection

  1. In FME, open : Tools > FME options... > Web Connections
  2. Click + at the bottom left (Add Connection)
  3. Select Viageo in the Web Service drop-down
  4. Type a Connection Name
  5. Paste your Personal Access Token in the required field
  6. You are now ready to use the Web Connection

3 : Use the Web Connection

  1. In FME, add an HTTPCaller transformer
  2. Fill the Request URL, HTTP Method, Query String Parameters and Body depending on your use case
  3. Check Use Authentication
  4. Choose Web Connection for Authentication Method
  5. Choose the previously created Web Connection in the drop-down
  6. You are now ready to make API calls with a Personal Access Token in FME